你有问题吗. 我们是来帮忙的.


  1. 录取最重要的标准是你的成绩单. 我们不仅看你的成绩,也看你的选课. We consider the quality of your course load and prefer to see that you have challenged yourself with the strongest program that you can handle. 我们会在你大四的时候看你的成绩和课程, 所以,考虑一下你最后一年的课程作业和计划.
  2. 截至2020年8月, 为了努力 为学生提供更多机会完成信誉最好的网投十大平台的申请, 我们只需要一份学术推荐作为申请文件的一部分. Our goal is to learn more from this letter of recommendation about who a student is in the classroom. 任何可以分享的与课堂参与有关的见解都会很有帮助. 我们将接受额外的推荐(最多3个推荐), 但我们不会惩罚没有submit额外推荐信的学生.
  3. 你的课外活动也很重要, 但请记住,关键是质量, 不是数量, 考虑到你的参与.
  4. 当你写文章的时候,你应该写一个对你个人有意义的话题. 用你熟悉的风格来写作是很有帮助的, 创造性写作),并让老师或家长检查语法和风格错误.
  5. 虽然我们不要求面试,但我们强烈鼓励面试. 点击这里 安排面试.


截至2015年秋季, 信誉最好的网投十大平台不要求所有申请入学的学生参加SAT或ACT考试, 包括转学申请者.  In keeping with its commitment to a student-centered and thoughtful approach to admissions evaluation, 信誉最好的网投十大平台 has developed a highly personalized process that allows the readers of your file to get to know you not just for your grades and curriculum, 而是为了真正的你. The admissions committee will personally review your application to determine your academic preparation, the level and quality of your extracurricular activities and your potential fit with our community.  The college uses a holistic approach to student admissions with emphasis placed on high school transcripts, 推荐信, 领导职位, 工作经历, 参与学校和社区活动, 以及其他预示成功的特征. 这所大学不需要考试, providing students the opportunity to present application material that accurately reflects their diverse academic talents and potential. Students can submit either the SAT or the ACT if they feel their results best represent their academic potential. The admission committee makes no assumptions as to why some students choose to submit scores while others don’t. 在录取过程中,所有学生都得到了平等的考虑.


International students may need to demonstrate English proficiency by submitting their results from either the International English Language Testing System (雅思考试), 英语作为外语考试(托福), 或者多邻国英语测试. 我们需要雅思成绩, 托福考试, 或多邻国英语测试 from students whose native language is not English and/or who have not studied for at least three years at a high school for which English is the language of instruction.


是的. 如果你决定submit标准化考试成绩, Trinity will accept the highest scores on all tests (they need not be from the same exam date).

平均G是多少.P.A. 被录取的学生?

It is important to realize that not all secondary schools have the same grading scale or methodology. 被录取的学生平均高中成绩为G.P.A. 的- - - - - -.

面试有多重要? 是必须的吗??

面试不是必须的,但强烈鼓励面试. The interview is an opportunity for us to learn more about a prospective student and for the student to learn more about Trinity. 我们还在全国大部分地区提供校友面试. 请致电860-297-2180联系招生办公室安排面试.


申请人是否被录取没有单一的决定因素. The admissions committee rates a candidate’s potential for success at Trinity based on the evaluation and consideration of ALL submitted application materials. 还记得, although many students who apply to Trinity are capable of handling the college’s academic rigor, they may not necessarily be offered admission due to the limited number of available places in the first-year class.

Any advice on what I can do in the admissions process to maximize my chances of being admitted to Trinity?

Our advice is to continue to work very hard throughout your senior year and to excel in academic as well as extracurricular activities. Highlight any special awards or recognition that might distinguish you as a candidate for admission — your college application is not a time to be modest. Enlist the support of any individuals who can document the unique skills or talents that you possess.


是的. 如果你在大学先修课程考试中取得了4或5分, you may be granted academic credit and/or place out of certain lower level courses within a given department. 每个部门以不同的方式处理大学先修课程. All requests and applications for Advanced Placement should be made to the Registrar before September 1 of the year of entrance. If you are seeking more specific information on how credits are accepted by academic department, 请参阅我们的 转学分页面.


Students who wish to receive credit for International Baccalaureate examinations must have the official results sent through the mail to the Registrar. 这是邮寄地址:


课程学分,每门科目不超过两分. IB成绩为5、6或7的学生有资格. An academic department may require students to submit additional information (copies of syllabi, 考试的问题, 等.),在决定是否给予信贷以及给予多少信贷的过程中. 最多可获得一年的学分(9个课程学分). If you are seeking more specific information on how credits are accepted by academic department, 请参阅我们的 转学分页面.


We welcome application although other requirements such as the counselor and teacher recommendations may be adapted to accommodate an applicant’s specific situation.


  • 确认和指定课程的文件,包括以下内容:
    • 接下来是对课程的解释,包括一份已完成阅读的清单. 这可以由家长或监督课程的人submit
    • 大学课程成绩单
  • 以下任何一方的学术推荐信(如果可能):
    • 学术课程教师
    • 在实习或志愿者岗位上指导过申请人的成年人
    • 艺术、舞蹈、音乐或戏剧等非学术领域的教师或导演
    • supplemental recommendations can be written by adults who have worked with the applicant as part of an athletic team, 以信仰为基础的社区, 或就业
  • A resume of all extracurricular and co-curricular activities (such as field trips or attending a lecture series) in which an applicant has participated.
  • 面试是推荐的,但不是必需的.

国际学生(非英国学生)的申请程序是什么.S. 公民)?

国际学生的申请过程略有不同. 除了submit完整的申请外, international applicants should submit official secondary school transcripts and one academic recommendation letter. 第一语言不是英语的学生应submit托福考试, 雅思考试, 或多邻国英语测试.


大学教育是你一生中最重要的投资之一. 以下是目前的细分情况 一学年的本科学费和相关费用. 还记得, Trinity meets the calculated financial aid need of every student, so apply early.


是的,每年都有一些学生申请延期入学并获得批准. In order to secure enrollment, the non-refundable $500 admission deposit must first be paid. In order to obtain approval, students must submit a plan for their “gap year” through the 间隔年申请表 在6月1日的优先截止日期之前. 如果学生决定在空档期申请其他大学,他们必须这样做吗 重新申请 信誉最好的网投十大平台也一样. 一旦学生的延期申请被收到并批准, a formal letter acknowledging the deferred status will be sent to the student’s home address on file. An essay briefly describing deferral activities and reaffirming intention to enroll at Trinity is required by February 1 of the deferral year. Please direct any questions about deferred enrollment to Senior Assistant Director of 招生 Kate Henchy at (电子邮件保护).



8:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m.